Innovation and transformation

  • Withstanding foreign competition. 
  • Leveraging foreign markets. 
  • Facing increasing challenges in this rapidly changing world. 

These issues have a direct impact on your business. Digitalization, information technology, artificial intelligence and automation are now essential tools. 

Québec International can support you in simple and efficient ways to navigate this new era.


The Québec City Industrial Expertise Centre (CEI Québec) proposes to optimize your business’s performance in the context of digital transformation. 

Our goal is to make sure that your decisions, actions and key processes all reach the full potential that digital transformation can offer. 

Your business will ultimately increase its efficiency, productivity and competitive edge.

Regional acceleration and development space

The Regional Acceleration and Development Spaces (RADS) offers services to entrepreneurs and economic development stakeholders, taking into account the unique characteristics of the region.  

RADSs are places of convergence, facilitation, monitoring, reflection and joint intervention, where the business, academic and government sectors come together to promote and support innovation and business growth.

Envision tomorrow now

A new industrial era is on our doorstep and is strongly focused on green technology and development priorities that are respectful of communities. Carbon-neutral objectives are essential, and the place of humans becomes once again the centre of attention. 

What will be the impacts of this on local businesses? How can you take your place and assert yourself in this new context?

Our team reflects on these questions and innovates with you.

Programs and financial assistance - Entrepreneurial Vision - Québec 2026

Focusing on entrepreneurship, innovation, growth, financing and support, the Entrepreneurial Vision – Québec 2026 aims to make Québec City the entrepreneurial capital of the country within 5 years. It brings together programs and financial assistance measures to grow businesses. The Vision receives over $75.8 million in funding from the Government of Québec over four years. This funding was extended until March 2025 and increased by $19.6 million. The City of Québec, Secrétariat à la Capitale-Nationale and Québec International act as key partners in the deployment of the Vision.

Contact us today!

Reach out to Québec International for any questions you may have, to book an appointment, or to discuss your project. Our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

L’Espace régional d’accélération et de croissance Techno-Tandem (ERAC) de la Capitale-Nationale est développé et déployé par Québec International, en collaboration avec ses partenaires régionaux, dont la Direction régionale du ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie, la Ville de Québec, le Conseil de l’innovation du Québec et les 6 municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) de la Capitale-Nationale.