Maximize your e-commerce activities

Are you looking to improve your e-commerce practices? Are you unsure about where to start and what steps to follow? Québec International and its experts can help!

Many businesses that undergo a digital transformation quickly run into obstacles that slow down their commercialization plan. Yet, selling online remains one of the most efficient and relevant ways to expand your market and avoid setbacks due to the global context.

Learn more about our services Personalized support

commerce en ligne

E-commerce, a must!

In a context where global competition can reach other businesses' markets online, it is more crucial than ever to get a good position and make your products and services as easy to access as possible. It is no surprise that more and more business leaders feel the need to take the digital route.

However, growing your sales through e-commerce does present some risks and challenges. To avoid these pitfalls, reach out to our team!

Our services

Personalized support

Are you working on establishing your e-commerce operations and currently facing some challenges? Are you already online but need to find a solution to a new situation? Our advisors can help you overcome your technological or strategic challenges.

Ask for your personalized support and benefit from:

  • A 1-hour consultation with our expert team
  • Help with the development of your e-commerce strategic plan
  • Personalized support throughout your development process
  • Access to our specialists
  • Support with your financing applications

A 7-step process

  • 1. Expert diagnosis

    Assessment of your e-commerce activities, your vision, your challenges, and the options available to you.

  • 2. E-commerce strategic plan

    Support in the development of your e-commerce strategic plan and identification of the actions and steps to prioritize.

  • 3. Digital strategy diagnosis

    Assessment of your e-commerce backend development and recommendations based on your goals.

  • 4. E-commerce platform diagnosis

    Assessment of your e-commerce platform optimization and recommendations based on your goals.

  • 5. Logistics diagnosis

    Assessment of your internal and external logistics operations and recommendations based on your goals.

  • 6. Web marketing diagnosis

    Assessment of your web marketing activities and recommendations based on your goals.

  • 7. Contacts with specialists and/or cybermarkets

    Support in finding experts using our expert mapping and introduction to cybermarkets.

Contact us today!

Reach out to Québec International for any questions you may have, to book an appointment, or to discuss your project. Our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.