The sixth annual Quebec City Healthcare Industry Forum (Forum de l’industrie de la santé de Québec/FISQ) will be held on December 4. A roster of national and international experts and stakeholders will discuss a variety of topics in line with the theme of “From innovation to integration in the healthcare system”.
At a time when decision makers are seeking solutions aimed at improving healthcare service efficiency, many see the potential benefits of integrating medical and technological innovations, not only for patients but also for the healthcare system itself. Emphasis will be placed on three key areas: medical technologies, information technologies and pharmaceutical/biotechnological technologies.
Renowned guest speakers
In keeping with past years, the 2012 Forum will feature a complete and relevant program of activities on the cutting edge of industry trends. A variety of specialists will present best practices for integrating new technologies in each of the three key areas.
Among the guest speakers addressing the integration of medical technologies, Leslie Levin, M.D., founder of the EXCITE program (Excellence in Clinical Innovation and Technology Evaluation), will give a presentation entitled "Evidence driving innovation as an alternative to evidence stifling innovation: the development and future of the MaRS EXCITE program". In addition, Luigi Lepanto, M.D., M.Sc., F.R.C.P.(C), CHUM’s Director of Technology Evaluation and Healthcare Intervention Models, and Geneviève Lavertu, M.Sc., Medtronic’s Director of Legal Affairs, Business Development and Clinical Research, will give presentations. There will also be a discussion panel featuring representatives of Genome Quebec, Oxy’Nov and Emovi.
Among the guest speakers addressing the integration of information technologies, Simon de Lusignan, M.D., Professor at the University of Surrey (UK), will give a presentation entitled "Lessons from the English National Programme for IT". In addition, Christian Goulet, Assistant Vice-President, Public Sector and Quebec City Region at Bell Canada and Jean Boulanger, Director of Information Technologies at the Quebec City University Hospital Centre (CHU) will give presentations. The discussion panel will feature representatives of CSSS Jardins-Roussillon, Hospitalis and TECHNIDATA.
Among the guest speakers addressing the integration of pharmaceutical and biotechnological technologies, Frank Lichtenberg, Ph.D., pharmaco-economist and Professor at Columbia University (USA) will give a presentation entitled "The impact of biomedical innovation on longevity and health". In addition, Jennifer Chan, Vice-President, Policy and Communications at Merck Canada and France Légaré, M.D., Ph.D., holder of the Canada Research Chair in Implementation of Shared Decision Making in Primary Care and Professor, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine at Laval University, will give presentations. The discussion panel will feature representatives of Wyatt Health Management, Q-CROC and the University of Sherbrooke.
Gertrude Bourdon, General Manager of the Quebec City University Hospital Centre (CHU), will speak at the luncheon seminar on the topic of "The development of the Quebec City University Hospital Centre: integrating clinical and economic visions". David Paré, Manager, Consulting and Deals at PwC, will give the opening presentation entitled "Impacts of mobile technologies (mHealth) in the healthcare sector around the world" while Reiner Banken, M.D., Chief Executive Director for External Relations, Partners and Networks at the INESSS, will conclude the Forum with his presentation entitled "Evaluating innovation: a winning strategy".
“The Quebec City region is already positioned to play a key role in creating forward-looking solutions. With the presence of so many major research centres and innovative industrial leaders in the IT and life sciences sectors ready to offer solutions, the region is clearly a natural hub that will contribute to this evolution,” said Carl Viel, President and CEO of Quebec International.
About the sixth annual Healthcare Industry Forum (FISQ)
The Forum provides a prime opportunity for business people, healthcare network managers, researchers and clinicians wishing to meet and network. The 2012 edition is made possible thanks to the support of our partners: Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, AstraZeneca, Bell, Novartis, Genome Quebec, GlaxoSmithKline and Medtronic. For further information, please visit
About Quebec International
Quebec International contributes to regional economic development and promotes Quebec City’s international standing. As the region’s pre-eminent economic development agency, Quebec International fosters business growth, supports key economic clusters and attracts talent and investment. For further information, please visit