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Economic Report and Outlooks for the Québec City CMA - 2017-2018

Study conducted by Québec International on key economic indicators for assessing regional performance. It takes an objective look at the results achieved in 2017 and those expected for 2018 and beyond. Changes in a number of regional economic variables are also compared with those of other metropolitan areas in Canada.

This Economic Report and Outlooks for the Québec City Census Metropolitan Area - 2017-2018 was conducted by Québec International. In addition to addressing key economic indicators for assessing regional performance, it takes an objective look at the results achieved in 2017 and those expected in the future. Changes in a number of regional economic variables are also compared with those of other metropolitan areas in Canada.

Six key indicators were selected for this analysis: economic growth, purchasing power, labour market, non-residential investment, housing market and demographics. The appendices list historical data on the economic indicators analyzed, as well as major projects in the region and a list of employers by area of activity.

This Québec International study is based on statistical data published by recognized organizations. Some indicators were processed and analyzed in order to establish projections for the next five years.
