The mardi export formula

Do you have an export project in mind but can’t figure out where to start? Do you need expertise and advice to help move your international project forward? Our new Mardi EXPORT formula is just what you need.


3 steps and continuous monitoring

Spend your Tuesdays developing and perfecting your export projects! The Mardi EXPORT formula offers a 3-step process to realize your international project: a diagnosis by our experts, advice from specialists and personalized coaching. With this strong support, you will be able to better understand your challenges, follow best practices and get help while you implement your solutions.

Furthermore, with the Mardi EXPORT formula, your export project is constantly monitored by the Capitale-Nationale’s export promotion organization (ORPEX).

Set your business up for success on global markets with Mardi EXPORT!

Step 1: expert diagnosis

Start with a free meeting of around one hour with the team at the Capitale-Nationale’s ORPEX. During this meeting, you will get an initial diagnosis of your export project. Our experts will take the time to go over your export process and inform you of the various resources available to you.

Step 2: Specialist advice

After your initial diagnosis, take part in free individual consultations to answer your more specific questions. Discuss your strategic commercialization challenges with our external partners specialized in international tax law, logistics, legal aspects and much more!

Step 3: coaching adapted to your needs

You can count on our support at every step of your project. Our team will direct you to the right resources based on your specific needs. We will be there to recommend training sessions and trade missions and tell you how you can obtain the financial help available to you, including our e-commerce support program.

Our experts understand how important and relevant it is to connect you with other entrepreneurs to exchange on your challenges and find solutions together. You will also have the opportunity to benefit from their wide business network in the region and the world.

Contact us

You do not know where to start? Share your ambitions, needs and challenges with us using our pre-diagnosis form (French only).

After analyzing your responses, our advisors will contact you to move your project forward, and offer you the most appropriate resources for your situation.

Want to learn more about the support we can offer? Drop us a line!

Contact us today!

Reach out to Québec International for any questions you may have, to book an appointment, or to discuss your project. Our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.